Thought I would put some photos up to show how busy we have been over the holidays getting ready for the arrival of baby number three!
Grace has moved ( her birthday present ) into her new room which is very PINK !!!!! and she loves it. We painted all the furniture which included a bed side table, tall boy and desk and her walls. Her pink wall has an overcoat of fairy glitter. She thinks it is so special and we have troubles getting her out of her room at the moment. I'm sure the novelty will wear off soon.
The babies room is very neutral as we don't know whether it is a boy or a girl yet. Only 5 weeks and 4 days until it is due ( not that I'm counting !!!!!) We are all so excited about it's arrival, we can't wait to meet it.
My very clever Mum has made the Cot quilt using patch work. I really love it and I really love that she's made it. My Mum is very clever and has hand stitched little pictures of lady birds, rainbows, bucket and shovel etc on it. It will be perfect for either a boy or a girl.
The girls are back at school tomorrow and I am going to be a bit lost without them and without having to rush off to work, but I am really looking forward to it!!! I will let you know how I manage to fill in my days soon........
Grace's room looks FANTASTIC! I'm jealous. haha! I hope the girls enjoy school and you enjoy the rest of your pregnancy! :)